Keto Egg Fast and Why I Keto

I have been struggling since Samuel was born to lose the stubborn baby weight. I know, I know. It takes nine months to gain, allow nine months to lose. But really, you only gain the pounds after the first trimester, so six months to gain, and six months to lose, by that math. That being said, I know I should be patient. It's just not easy when the weight scale DOES NOT MOVE. When I was transferred to the hospital (he would have been my 4th home birth if he hadn't pooped in utero), I weighed 166. Three days post partum I was down to 152. Six weeks post partum: 148....where I have stayed. (I was hovering around 135 and trying to be 130 pre-pregnancy). Little Samuel is almost 11 weeks and I'm no where near my pre-pregnancy weight. I'd love to blame the extra fifteen pounds on why my running has been a struggle. That may not be the case.... 6 weeks Post Partum I have been living the ketogenic diet for several year...