
28 Hours: Chapter One

 Well.  I don't know that I will finish this.  Lord knows I have little time these days and no motivation to complete the simplest of tasks at times.  But, as I sit here working another Moosday (Monday-Tuesdays that run together in one long 48 hour day from 8-4pm, nap, work 11pm to sometime Tuesday, usually 4pm...) I am caught up in the idea of NaNoWriMo.  National Novel Writing Month.  Who knew it was still around?  I first took part in it when I was still in high school.  50,000 words in 30 days.  So.  Here is the start of a potential novel.  It's a fine line between fiction and reality.  Given that I am two days late in starting, I am writing it as 28 days.  But in the story, it is 28 hours of a runner on the race course.  Each chapter I write is one hour on the trail.   This is the roughest of rough drafts, so hopefully it does not read too harshly.  Also, I have not written in many, many years....

Making Time

When you have seven kids and a husband that works seven days a week, finding time to train is nearly impossible.  Before I went back to work, I was trying to get back on a schedule of treadmill in the morning.  Sammy did not always cooperate with this one, since he wakes when I do and of course wants to nurse.  By the time I was finished with him and he was asleep, the whole clan was up and ready for breakfast.  Sometimes, I could run out two miles while they got dressed.  Another one or two while breakfast baked.  Then, naptime some more miles could get pounded out if Sammy slept too.  I've seen a lot of the treadmill these last few weeks. A couple weeks ago, I started working again.  Finally, I was back into 4am wake up, nurse Sammy, and running by 5-6am before work.  At work, I take an hour lunch so I can go nurse baby at daycare.  Since it is only a mile there, I run it.  No matter how long the morning run was, I can get two m...

Teanaway Trail Marathon and Half

Better late then never. June 3, my Mom and I got up, took care of the kids (and ourselves) in preparation for the days fun in the Teanaway Community Forest.  We waited for my husband to get off from working grave.  He was exhausted, but planned to meet me at the finish with Sammy, the baby so I could nurse him.  Once things were settled and Mom and I had everything, we headed for the Start. It's so nice to go to a race that's a mere 30 minutes or less from my house!  That's practically my backyard!  We watched the full marathon runners start.  I was, to say the least, somewhat jealous.  We loitered.  Then it was time to go!  The turn out for the half was much larger then the full.  The 5k and 10k starts would begin in another hour.  After Sun Mountain, where I am pretty sure I started towards the front and was passed nonstop the first leg of the race, I began this one in the back.  With Mom.  We ran together a short wh...

Keto Egg Fast and Why I Keto

I have been struggling since Samuel was born to lose the stubborn baby weight.  I know, I know.  It takes nine months to gain, allow nine months to lose.  But really, you only gain the pounds after the first trimester, so six months to gain, and six months to lose, by that math.  That being said, I know I should be patient.  It's just not easy when the weight scale DOES NOT MOVE.  When I was transferred to the hospital (he would have been my 4th home birth if he hadn't pooped in utero), I weighed 166.  Three days post partum I was down to 152.  Six weeks post partum: 148....where I have stayed.  (I was hovering around 135 and trying to be 130 pre-pregnancy).  Little Samuel is almost 11 weeks and I'm no where near my pre-pregnancy weight.  I'd love to blame the extra fifteen pounds on why my running has been a struggle.  That may not be the case.... 6 weeks Post Partum I have been living the ketogenic diet for several year...

2018 Ultra Kick off: First Race Post Partum

Since this is my first post, I'll tell you a little about myself.  I was a single mom to three girls for many, many years (it seemed like, anyway).  I grew up riding horses and competing in patterned speed racing and barrel races.  I still have horses now, though little time for them, as much as I hate to admit it.  So, I've always enjoyed being athletic.  All through college I rode and also picked up running.  I ran through shin splints and slightly fractured ankle after being kicked at a rodeo.  Co-workers rolled their eyes at me and shook their fingers when they saw me out running.  I was obsessed.  I couldn't help myself.  I had to run.  It was an addiction.  Even then.  It became less so after I had my oldest.  After that, I ran here or there, in spurts, to stay in shape.  At some point in there, my mom had started running ultramarathons.  It took her years, but she finally convinced me to join the craz...